Friday, November 29, 2013

Wholesome Grains

Wholesome Grains
By Prof Dr Norimah A. Karim (nutritionist)

Published: The Star (Health) - Sunday April 21, 2013

Whole grains benefit health in many ways.
DID you know that whole grains became a part of our diet over 10,000 years ago when man first discovered agriculture? It is a main source of energy and a staple diet in many societies around the world.

Grains in various forms can be found in different types of foods – rice, noodles, bread, pasta and many more.

Whole grains in its natural form are more nutritious. Not only is it rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals, but it also offers various health benefits.

Refined grains, on the other hand, have been milled to remove the bran and germ from the grain, leaving only the endosperm. During the milling process, the majority of the nutrients such as vitamins and dietary fibre in the bran and germ are stripped out.

Sadly, many of us prefer to consume polished or refined grains rather than whole grain products as refined grains have a finer texture and an improved shelf life. What most of us are unaware is that whole grains have various benefits to offer.

Did you know?
A grain is the edible portion of the seed of a plant that is made up of three distinct parts: bran, endosperm and germ. A whole grain consists of all three parts of the grain.

Grains and their products are a food group that form the base of the Malaysian Food Pyramid. Being at the base, your daily diet should comprise adequate amounts of grains (eg rice, oats, wheat, barley) with a recommended four to eight servings.

The difference between whole grain and whole meal is that whole meal is finely milled, giving it a finer texture. Both however, contain the bran, germ and endosperm of the grain.
Common types of whole grains include unpolished rice, whole wheat, oats, corn, dehulled barley (not pearled barley) and rye.

Whole health benefits
The health benefits of whole grains include a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. It also improves bowel health and weight management.

● Promotes bowel health
Whole grain foods have higher levels of dietary fibre, which can help regulate stool movement. Thus, bowel action becomes more frequent, and this helps to prevent constipation.

Whole grain foods have also been associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer and diverticular disease.

Some dietary fibre in whole grains (such as oligofructose and inulin) can function as prebiotics. They can help to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut while decreasing the levels of bad bacteria, thereby promoting gut health.

● Protects against cancers
Recent research has shown that a high consumption of whole grains may help reduce the risk of some cancers. The high antioxidant activity and protective effects of phytochemicals, vitamin E, trace minerals and high dietary fibre in whole grains play an important role in protecting against these cancers.

● Reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases
Various studies have consistently shown that consumption of whole grains may contribute in reducing the risk of heart disease. This is probably due to the presence of various components in whole grains, especially dietary fibre and some phytochemicals.

● Helps with weight management
Some studies have indicated that consuming whole grains can reduce the risk of obesity and weight gain. The dietary fibre found in whole grains helps to promote a feeling of fullness, which helps in curbing appetite and discourages overeating.

● Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes
Studies have shown that the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced by regular consumption of whole grains.

The effects may be due to dietary fibre, which is beneficial for weight management, an important aspect of diabetes control.

In addition, dietary fibre can also improve blood glucose control in people with diabetes.
The Malaysian Dietary Guidelines recommends choosing at least half of your grain foods from whole grains, and eating adequate amounts of rice, other cereal products (preferably whole grain) and tubers.

Whole Grains are Healthier

Whole Grains are Healthier
by Dr Tee E Siong

Published: The Star (Health) - Sunday May 22, 2011 

Whole grain cereals are recommended as they’re rich in essential nutrients, especially carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

The nutritional value of whole grains has long been recognised. In recent years, several national dietary guidelines, including the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010, have highlighted the importance of consuming whole grains.

However, the awareness on the importance of whole grain foods and their consumption is still extremely low amongst Malaysians.

Scientific update on whole grains
In cognisance of the importance of the subject, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Southeast Asia Region recently organised a seminar on whole grains in Kuala Lumpur.

Co-organised by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, the seminar aimed to provide an update on current understanding of whole grains, physiological effects on human health, food sources and consumption level, dietary guidance, and regulatory considerations.

The seminar also aimed to provide a platform for discussion among all stakeholders on aspects related to promoting increased consumption of whole grains, including consumer education and promotion, and industry innovations.

What are whole grain cereals
Whole grains include the entire grain seed, usually called the kernel, after the removal of inedible parts such as the hull and husk. The kernel consists of three components-the bran, germ, and endosperm. If the kernel has been cracked, crushed, or flaked, then, to be called a “whole grain”, a food must retain the same relative proportions of these components as they exist in the intact grain.

Similarly, temporary separation of whole grain constituents during processing for later recombination is acceptable as long as the same relative proportions of the three components are retained.

Whole grains are consumed either as a single food (eg unpolished rice) or as an ingredient in foods (eg in cereals, breads, and crackers). Some examples of whole grain ingredients include whole wheat, brown or unpolished rice, whole-grain barley, oatmeal and rolled oats.

The foods containing these whole grain ingredients are called whole grain foods.

Whole grain cereals are healthier
Whole grains have a high content of carbohydrate and nutrients. The bran and germ are rich in dietary fibre; nutrients, eg several B vitamins (like thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6); minerals (like iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus); and beneficial phytochemicals (like phenolic compounds, phytoestrogens and plant sterols). The endosperm is rich in starch and is a good energy source.

During the grain-refining process, the bran and germ of the grain are removed and only the starchy inner part of the grain remains.

The grain is now termed as refined-grain product, eg refined or white rice, refined wheat flour. With the removal of the bran and germ, which contain the major amount of nutrients and dietary fibre, the nutritional value of the refined product is drastically reduced.

Numerous studies in different parts of the world have shown that whole grains consumption is beneficial in lowering the risk to various chronic diseases. These include overweight and obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, some cancers, and even total mortality.

A good amount of evidences have been accumulated to indicate that more whole grain intake is associated with lower body weight, lower total and LDL-cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve glucose control and lowered insulin resistance, and decreased risk to colon and rectal cancers.

Most of the available evidence are from large scale observational studies.

Dietary guidelines encourage consumption
Key messages and supporting statements in dietary guidelines from seven South-East Asian countries were examined for reference to consumption of cereals and cereal products. All these dietary guidelines reviewed have a specific key or supporting message or statement in the visual guides that recommend the consumption of rice and other cereal grains.

In most of these countries, rice is specifically mentioned as one of the cereals that should provide the most daily energy needs.

Reference to whole grains is only made in the key messages of dietary guidelines of Malaysia and Singapore. Both countries have clear key messages that encourage the consumption of whole grains and provide detailed information on nutritional benefits of whole grains.

Some reference is also made to whole grains or unpolished rice in the guidelines of Thailand. Dietary guidelines of Australia, Canada and the US have emphasised the importance of consuming more whole grain foods and provide detailed scientific rationale for their consumption.

Regulatory considerations
A quick check on the supermarket shelves show that there are several whole grain products available. These include whole grain rice, mee-hoon, and various whole grain products, such as bread, biscuits and cereals.

Only some of these products have the amount or percentage of whole grains declared on the label. Several packs have explanations on the goodness of consuming whole grains, but few bear claims on health benefits.

Except for Singapore, there are no specific labeling requirements for whole grains or whole grain foods in the six other countries in the Southeast Asian region. There is no official definition of whole grains or whole grain foods, or the requirement for declaring the amount of whole grains in a product that claims to be made from whole grains.

There is no requirement for minimum amount to be present in order to claim added or contains whole grains.

Singapore recently introduced a new regulation on whole grains. Products are not allowed to be labelled as wholegrain unless they comply with the definition, which is similar to that mentioned above. The percentage of wholegrain ingredients used must be indicated immediately after the term “wholegrain”.

There are no regulations in the region that provide for content claim on whole grains, eg high or rich in whole grains.

In several countries in the region, eg Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand, function claims are permitted for nutrients as well as other food components not traditionally recognised as nutrients. These countries have an approved list of such claims, but none of these are related to whole grains, except for Singapore.

Singapore food regulations have permitted the use of five nutrient/food specific disease risk reduction claims since 2009. One of these claims states: a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables that contain dietary fibre, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Nevertheless, most of the countries in ASEAN do provide for additional health claims to be made. Industry may apply for additional claims, including on whole grains, accompanied by scientific substantiation, which will be reviewed by a panel of experts appointed by the regulatory agency.

Promoting consumption
The seminar has provided a platform for discussion on several areas related to whole grains, especially in relation to Malaysia. Updated information on whole grains, including health benefits, were shared with participants. The main discussions in the seminar were on promotion of whole grain consumption.

Since the Malaysian dietary guidelines have highlighted the importance of whole grains, promotion of its consumption needs to be further intensified.

Through several presentations and the panel discussions, there was general agreement that all stakeholders need to play a role to play in helping consumers meet the recommended intake of whole grain foods. This includes health authorities, professional bodies, consumer bodies and the food industry. Several areas were recongised as important to be given attention.

It was recognised that data on whole grains consumption in the country need to be obtained. Methodologies for obtaining such data need to be refined to obtain accurate information.

Efforts to promote whole grain consumption must be continued to be given emphasis by nutritionists. Consumers need to be aware that their current intake of whole grains is extremely low.

This is not surprising as consumer understanding on the benefits and importance of whole grains is lacking.

It is essential to provide consumers with a good understanding of what whole grains are and their health benefits. The Health Ministry and the Nutrition Society of Malaysia have been highlighting the importance of whole grains consumption. These efforts need to be further intensified.

The food industry needs to play its role in making more whole grain foods and products available to consumers, at affordable prices. There is also a need to look into complaints by consumers that whole grain foods are not so palatable or tasty.

At the same time, appropriate regulations must be in place to facilitate the promotion and marketing of whole grain foods. For example, the definition, labelling requirements, minimum amount of whole grains, criteria for labelling and claims need to be clearly spelt out. Clarity on these issues would be beneficial to the food industry and consumers.

I certainly hope that this seminar has provided the necessary impetus for the promotion of whole grain consumption. All stakeholders will do their part in realising this objective.

For the consumer, I would certainly urge you to look out for whole grain versions of food products when out shopping next. Read the food label to find out. Consume more of unpolished rice and rice products; wholemeal or whole grain bread; whole wheat pasta; cereals and biscuits with whole wheat or oat added.

Do not be confused with high fibre products; they are not the same as whole grain products. The dietary guidelines recommend eating four to eight servings of cereals and products daily; aim to have half of that intake to be from whole grains.

Further information on the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010 can be obtained from the Health Ministry website: The Nutrition Society of Malaysia has also made available leaflets of these guidelines suitable for the public (

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Healthier Choice - Higher in Whole Grains, by Singapore Health Promotion Board

M-racle Vitality Whole Grains 美乐康生机全谷精

Sources :

M-racle is the finest whole grain product in the market because it is carefully ground to the easiest absorbed form without losing any of its valuable nutrients. Unlike refined grains which has lost most of its nutritional values during the process of removing the bran and germ (including 17 types of important nutrients, 25% of protein, 66% of Vitamin B, and 70% of minerals), M-racle provides all of whole grains goodness by retaining all parts of the grain. It is proven that whole grains are effective in minimising the risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes as well as preventing chronic diseases.

M-racle is made with non-genetically modified whole grains that contain bran, endosperm and germ. It is rich in fibre, vitamin B-complex, Vitamin E, minerals, antioxidant and PhytoNutrients, all of which are the important elements to improve body immunity system. These ingredients are also the key to maintaining a balanced operation of weight and blood sugar control, improve constipation, lower cholesterol level, increase insulin, minimising chronic diseases such as colon cancer, cardiac illnesses, and stroke.

It is scientifically proven that 100% whole grains:

1. is rich in fibre (both soluble and non-soluble).

(a) Soluble fibre

 - is most effective in slowing down the process of decomposition and absorption of sugar in our body therefore lowering blood sugar (especially for Type-2 diabetes) and improving insulin to cut down medication dependency. 

 - is able to merge with bile acid to lower overall cholesterol level which effectively minimising the risks of stroke and cardiac arrest. 

(b) Non-soluble fibre 
 - is found in bran and cannot be absorbed by our body thus it is most effective in improving bowel movements which ultimately helps to improve constipation and minimise the risk of colon cancer.

2. is high in protein but low in calories and fat.
It is a good way to increase satiety in order to achieve weight management. It is also effective in promoting insulin thus lowering the risk of diabetes.

3. contains antioxidant and PhytoNutrients.

These bioactive components are good for organs’ anti-aging as well as in combating cardiac 


4. is rich in protein, vitamin B complex and minerals.

These are the essential ingredients to cell reproduction and repair therefore helpful in improving body vitality and energy, protect our heart, nervous system, digestive system, intestinal mucosa and ultimately our immune system.

M-racle is carefully ground to its finest (5-20 micron) at low heat and without any additive for rapid absorption and best results. It contains no sugar, no soy, no pesticide, no preservatives, no artificial flavouring and no artificial colouring.

M-racle has a proven record of minimising diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cardiac problem, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and significantly reduces obesity, hypertension, cholesterol level, uric acid, thyroid, constipation as well as improving respiratory system and skin problem.

M-racle is able to achieve eliminating harmful substances from our body, replenish the nutrients that our body needed to regulate our body balance to ensure its normal operation, and improve our body immunity system.

M-racle is certified by both Ministry of Health Malaysia and Singapore, classified as “Healthier Choice Symbol” under the group of “Cereals and Cereal Products”, suitable for Muslims, vegetarians and etc

Monday, November 25, 2013

每5人1糖尿病患;过半病人不知情 (剪报)







Wednesday, November 20, 2013

美乐康提供生机全谷精疗法 - 改善2残疾人糖尿病 (剪报)

 (淡马鲁 19日讯) 淡马鲁残障院2名惨被糖尿病折磨的残疾认识,在淡马鲁国际扶轮社的协助,以及文德甲美乐康营养中心免费提供的食用生机全谷精疗程法后,获得长足的改善。




